2,069 research outputs found


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    An email management system uses data from emails to launch an application and link the data to the application. In one example, the system may use data such as time, date, title, and attendees from an email. It then launches a calendar application, creates a calendar event, and auto-populates the calendar event with the selected data

    Ethics and Social Science in Medical Education: A view from Chile

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    Governing energy in organisations: Energy management professionals, marginalised practices, and the limits to change

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    Organisations and institutions of many kinds play important roles in maintaining and transforming energy systems, not least through their direct contributions to energy demand. Major service‐providing institutions such as universities and hospitals have especially large and complex demands. Facing pressures to reduce environmental impacts and costs, many of these organisations are trying to reduce their energy consumption—with varying degrees of success. The responsibility for pursuing this goal in practice often lies with practitioners here referred to as Energy Management Professionals (EMPs). However, there has been little systematic investigation of EMPs' practices and their energy implications. Using qualitative evidence from English universities and hospitals, we argue that three types of work are marginalised in EMPs' practices, namely: (a) change‐focused work, and within that; (b) work engaging with people and what they do, and within that; (c) work engaging with institutional policy‐making. We argue that these marginalisations limit the scale and scope of demand reduction efforts, and also show how they arise from interacting dynamics of national policies and priorities, institutional structures and professional practices, and the influence of neoliberal governance, among other things. Finally, we discuss how rethinking institutional energy governance could help reduce energy demand and reflect on wider lessons for research and policy on organisational sustainability

    Are You Sure You Want to Eat That?

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    Human rights in health systems frameworks: what is there, what is missing and why does it matter?

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    Global initiatives and recent G8 commitments to health systems strengthening have brought increased attention to factors affecting health system performance. While equity concerns and human rights language appear often in the global health discourse, their inclusion in health systems efforts beyond rhetorical pronouncements is limited. Building on recent work assessing the extent to which features compatible with the right to health are incorporated into national health systems, we examine how health systems frameworks have thus far integrated human rights concepts and human rights-based approaches to health in their conceptualisation. Findings point to the potential value of the inclusion of human rights in these articulations to increase the participation or involvement of clients in health systems, to broaden the concept of equity, to bring attention to laws and policies beyond regulation and to strengthen accountability mechanisms

    PENGAWASAN CAMAT DALAM MENINGKATKAN DISIPLIN PEGAWAI (Suatu Studi Di Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Pengawasan memiliki fungsi penting untuk menjaga dan memelihara jalannya organisasi pemerintahan sehingga dapat menjalankan kegiatan penyelenggaraan administrasi pemerintahan dan penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembangunan serta pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dilakukan secara efesien dan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengawasan camat dalam meningkatkan disiplin pegawai di Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Teknik analisa data yang dipakai adalah teknik deskriptif kualitatif sesuai dengan data dan fakta dilapangan, dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji secara menyeluruh permasalahan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengawasan camat di Kantor camat terhadap pegawai dilakukan dengan cara pengawasan melekat dan pengawasan camat tersebut berjalan dengan baik, dimana camat selalu melakukan tugas pengawasannya dengan baik dan memperhatikan dan menghimbau pegawai, meskipun terkadang camat tdak berada ditempat, dan masih terdapat beberapa pelanggaran yang masih dilakukan oleh pegawai mengenai disiplin pegawai seperti terlambat, bolos dan tidak maksimal dalam bekerja.Kata Kunci: Pengawasan, Disiplin, Pegawai


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    Perusahaan altamoda merupakan toko yang bergerak di bidang jasa pakaian yang selama ini dalam prosesnya perusahaan tersebut masih menggunakan cara manual dalam mengelola manajemen persedian dalam pencatatan stok barang. Untuk mengetahui stok barang yang masih tersedia harus dilakukan pengecekan secara satu-satu dan kemudian baru dicatat di buku. Hal ini tentu saja dapat memakan waktu yang cukup lama, apabila dilakukan pembuatan laporan untuk melihat informasi mengenai salah satu stok barang yang ingin dicari, dan juga apabila pelanggan ingin membeli suatu barang, maka pihak toko terkadang melakukan pengecekan stock barang secara lengsung ke penyimpanan gudang toko yang mana membuat kinerja toko tersebut kurang efektif  Berangkat dari permasalah tersebut penulis ingin membuat suatu aplikasi e- manajemen, e- manajemen diartikan sebagai suatu sistem yang mendapatkan hasil keluaran (output) dengan menggunakan masukkan (input) dan berbagai proses yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu dalam kegiatan manajemen. Dari penjelasan diatas dapat diambil kesimpulan, bahwa e- manajemen adalah suatu sistem yang dirancang untuk menyediakan informasi guna mendukung pengambilan keputusan pada kegiatan manajemen dalam suatu organisas

    Heteronormativity and prostate cancer: a discursive paper

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    Aims and objectives To discuss the risks that heteronormative assumptions play in prostate cancer care and how these may be addressed. Background There is international evidence to support the case that LGBT cancer patients are less likely to report poor health or self-disclose sexual orientation. Gender-specific cancers, such as prostate cancer, require particular interventions in terms of supportive care. These may include advice about side-effect management (such as incontinence or erectile dysfunction), treatment choices and social and emotional issues. In this paper we discuss and analyse the heteronormative assumptions and culture that exist around this cancer. We argue that this situation may act as a barrier to effective supportive care for all LGBT patients, in this case MSM (men who have sex with men). Design Theoretical exploration of heteronormativity considered against the clinical context of prostate cancer. Methods Identification and inclusion of relevant international evidence combined with clinical discussion. Results This paper posits a number of questions around heteronormativity in relation to prostate cancer information provision, supportive care and male sexuality. Whilst assumptions regarding sexual orientation should be avoided in clinical encounters, this may be difficult when heteronormative assumptions dominate. Existing research supports the assertion that patient experience, including the needs of LGBT patients, should be central to service developments. Conclusion Assumptions about sexual orientation should be avoided and recorded accurately and sensitively, and relational models of care should be promoted at the start of cancer treatment in an appropriate manner. These may assist in reducing the risks of embarrassment or offence to non-heterosexual patients, or to professionals who may adopt heteronormative assumptions. Relevance to clinical practice Having an awareness of the risks of making heteronormative assumptions in clinical practice will be useful for all health professionals engaged in prostate cancer care. This awareness can prevent embarrassment or upset for patients and ensure a more equitable provision of service; including men with prostate cancer who do not identify as heterosexual

    Kinerja Dinas Koperasi Dan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Dalam Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Menengah Masyarakat (UKM) Di Kecamatan Amurang Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Kinerja Dinas Koperasi  dan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah dalam pemberdayaan usaha kecil menengah masyarakat di Kecamatan Amurang kabupaten minahasa selatan. Dalam menumbuhkan perekonomian nasional diperlukan peranan industri kecil dan menengah sesuai yang ditetapkan Undang-Undang RI nomor 20 tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah. Dalam Undang-Undang ini mengatur bahwa pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah perlu dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh, optimal dan berkesinambungan melalui pengembangan iklim yang kondusif, pemberian kesempatan berusaha, dukungan, perlindungan dan pengembangan yang seluas-luasnya kecamatan amurang kabupaten minahasa selatan memiliki potensi yang besar dalam pengembangan UMKM dimana daerah tersebut merupakan akses penting bagi masyarakat Sulawesi utara, untuk itu pentingnya pemberdayaan bagi pelakuk UMKM oleh pemerintah daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitaitf. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Produktivitas Kinerja dari Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Minahasa Selatan dalam rangka pengembangan UKM berjalan dengan baik, Pandemic covid-19 menjadi salah satu masalah dalam pemberdayaan UMKM di Minahasa selatan termasuk di Kecamatan Amurang, selain itu Masih kurangnya jumlah pegawai yang bekerja mengimplementasi program dan kurangnya sarana prasarana pendukung.   Kata Kunci: Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, Pemberdayaan, UMK